So hi, new readers! I am happy to have you and I promise I am normally more entertaining. However, like I was saying, I was busy kicking some ass. And by kicking some ass, I mean making Valentine's Day cards like nobody's business AND baking cookies as if there was a chocolate chip surplus. You see, I needed to finish all of my ridiculous amounts of cute butt orders, but I also needed to make 12 dozen cookies for my students for their middle school dance. And it needed to happen in one night.
How do I manage to pull this off, you might ask? I decided to hire my trusty card-folding intern, Andrew.

By now, you all are wondering what I'm talking about and wish you hadn't followed because you think I am crazy. Trust me, it gets better. Remember that copyrighted design I was talking about? Well it just so happens that my card-folding intern was a butthead to me a few nights ago. He decided to apologize with this beautiful specimen.

And now that I've lost all of my new readers because they think I am gross, I should probably conclude this wonderful post by letting you all know that I actually have a winner of a giveaway from last week. I was supposed to announce this on Wednesday, but you all now know why that didn't happen. Sooooooo.... congratulations Edi! You are the winner of the Milo and Molly giveaway! I'll be emailing you shortly!
And to everyone else, have an amazing weekend and happy Friday! Woot woot! :)