Blog — "envelopes"
Design a Day Challenge: Day 20
"cards" "challenge" "design a day" "design" "envelopes"
Heidi ShenkSo anyway, on to the design aspect of today. I went back to the basics. No printer again since the ink won't arrive until Wednesday. While reorganizing my paper stash, I found some great stuff to accompany my new envelopes. Today was all about cutting paper, which is how this all started anyway, and I love it!
I love the texture of this card. While there are unfinished bits in the design of this card, there are also neat and geometric circles. The two compliment each other well. And as a final addition, I included one of my new periwinkle envelopes-- the quality of this envelope is absolutely phenomenal!
Design a Day Challenge: Day 7
"cards" "challenge" "design a day" "design" "envelopes" "stationery"
Heidi Shenk
And then the more I thought about it, even my own family is bilingual speaking both French and English-- it just makes sense. Everyone likes to send and receive snail mail so why not do something in several languages?
So the end result is this simple card that says "hi." But the fun part is that it says it in may different ways as well.
Not only are the languages super fun, but so are the colors! And just for fun, I decided to offer either a blue or green envelope to go with-- I liked both so much I couldn't decide so I thought I'd leave that open ended. So all of this talk about languages around the world. I want to know: What languages do you speak?
They make stuff for that?!
"art" "cards" "crafts" "envelopes" "tools"
Heidi ShenkMy crafting tools and a handmade envelope. |
No paper trimmers here. Just a cutting mat, an X-acto, and a craft ruler (you know, one of those see through rulers with all of those wonderful measurements on it). And luckily, after having worked on this hobby for some time, I haven't chopped off any fingers or had any trips to the emergency room. So here I am, printing off my designs which takes no time at all. Then next I head over to my drafting table and start cutting-- which takes FOREVER. I became even more frustrated as I ruined three consecutive sheets of cardstock while making teal envelopes for my new NYC Map Note Cards.
NYC Map Note Cards |