I may be a super dork, but I can't stop laughing at this super ultra hip ghost. He kind of reminds me of Joe Cool if you know what I mean.

And when it comes to this candy corn card, I'm speaking from experience here. I seem to OD on the stuff every single year despite the fact that I hate it. So disgusting, but I just can't stop!

And seriously, it was just too hard for me to pass up this one. Let's face it, there are people that call their significant other "boo" and they need cards, people! They need cards! (If I was really sitting there telling you this in person, I would have said that Jerry Seinfeld-like. Also, I almost typed Jerry Springer instead. That would have been interesting. Ooops.) Plus, who could resist a girl ghost with long eyelashes? You have to look closely, but they are there!

And those, my friends, are my new Halloween cards. Enjoy.
Are you thinking about Halloween yet? Or am I the only one?