I realized that I've been so absent from this space that I forgot to share a small shop update. While I vastly expanded my Mother's Day card line last year, I've remained really happy with that set of designs and decided to add only a few more this year.

The first of three in the new batch, is one that many of you requested. It's a redesign of this Father's Day card. Apparently weird text messaging doesn't discriminate and is both a dad AND mom thing. So for those who asked, you're welcome!
The other two cards that I designed this year are true for my own mother. I was once told by a complete stranger that she knew I was my mother's daughter as soon as she heard me laugh. And of course, there's always those life lessons of not taking anything too seriously.
The last of the three is a new letterpress card printed in two different colors-- dark teal and salmon pink. I love how this one turned out, and I may just give this one to my mom. I seem to remember telling her that she danced weird, had witch fingers, and said crazy phrases. And I may or may not possess all of those qualities now, which obviously makes us both awesome. Just sayin'.
All of these new cards are now available here on my website or in my Etsy shop. As for Mother's Day weekend, I'm planning on spending it at the beach since unfortunately I live quite a distance from my own mother. Any big plans for you for Mother's Day weekend?