I'm just a few days over a month into this new adventure of self-employment and so far it doesn't feel like work. However, the amount of work that I have accomplished in this past month amazes me. I've added a ton of new cards to the shop. I launched a new line of notebooks last week. I've been working on a new line of cards that will hopefully be ready this week. I have had new blog posts for you almost every day (that in itself is almost a miracle considering how hard it was for me to keep up while teaching). And, while I've been doing all of that, I was also whittling away at a new blog design.
Take a look at what the blog used to be.
Today I'm starting the week fresh by launching the new blog. However, I cannot promise you that all of the elements will stay. I've spent about three weeks going back and forth about what I wanted each of the elements to look like and I'm not entirely set on the header still. I am happy with it for the most part though. To be honest, I feel as though this design is lot more simple in style and reflects who I am much more than the old design. The color, aqua, is my favorite color and I tend to be a fairly simple girl, so the aqua and black just works for me.
What do you think about the new blog design? Do you like the new header? I'm not sure if that should stay or go.