Recently, I've started a newsletter for all of my amazing customers. My goal is to send out information about new products and promos to all of you newsletter readers first, so that my most loyal customers can get a sneak peek of those products and exclusive offers. In addition, just by signing up for the newsletter, you get a coupon code to use once in the shop for 15% off. Needless to say, later this afternoon, I will be sending out information for my Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday sales as well as information about an upcoming promotion that begins on Friday. I am SUPER excited about this promotion as it is something entirely new that I have never offered before and it may involve cards-- lots and lots of cards. Either way, in order to get that promotion info, simply sign up for the newsletter here.
Ok, phew! See, I told you I had a lot to catch up on! Next up? Pencils. I have added a few more stocking stuffer sized pencil sets to my shop that many of you are already eating right up. These are some of my favorite sets yet because they also serve as little daily reminders for myself. Sometimes (actually most times these days) I need a little extra boost of motivation to get everything on my checklist done as the busy season is currently in full swing. It is really hard for me to choose which of these are my favorite. I have such a love for mint, but the dark, dark purple pencils are fabulous as well.
And finally, as I prepare for one last show in Richmond on December 14th, I have been adding a few new card designs to my stock. I tested these out this past weekend and people seemed to like them, so I would say they got the seal of approval.
What have you been up to these days? Are you feeling just as busy as I am?
I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving and be sure to check back here starting on Friday for all of the upcoming sale information. And of course, again, if you want a preview of all of that info, be sure to sign up for the newsletter! Now go and enjoy your holiday! :)