Blog — "cards"
Mother's Day Cards
"cards" letterpress Mother's Day
Heidi ShenkI realized that I've been so absent from this space that I forgot to share a small shop update. While I vastly expanded my Mother's Day card line last year, I've remained really happy with that set of designs and decided to add only a few more this year.

The first of three in the new batch, is one that many of you requested. It's a redesign of this Father's Day card. Apparently weird text messaging doesn't discriminate and is both a dad AND mom thing. So for those who asked, you're welcome!
The other two cards that I designed this year are true for my own mother. I was once told by a complete stranger that she knew I was my mother's daughter as soon as she heard me laugh. And of course, there's always those life lessons of not taking anything too seriously.
The last of the three is a new letterpress card printed in two different colors-- dark teal and salmon pink. I love how this one turned out, and I may just give this one to my mom. I seem to remember telling her that she danced weird, had witch fingers, and said crazy phrases. And I may or may not possess all of those qualities now, which obviously makes us both awesome. Just sayin'.
All of these new cards are now available here on my website or in my Etsy shop. As for Mother's Day weekend, I'm planning on spending it at the beach since unfortunately I live quite a distance from my own mother. Any big plans for you for Mother's Day weekend?
2015 Letterpress Valentine's Day Cards
"cards" letterpress Valentine's Day
Heidi ShenkThey're here! They're here! While I had hoped to have had these ready a little earlier, they have finally arrived in the shop. This year's Valentine's Day line is a full line of letterpress goodness-- my first full letterpress line! For those of you that don't know what they means, here's the quick version of it all. I drawn my designs, put them into the computer, get photopolymer plates made with my designs, and finally use those plates in a 100+ year old press to transfer the designs to the cards. The final product, is a beautiful card that has an embossed type quality to it. And I'm in love.
All five of the new Valentine's Day cards are printed this way, my left arm cranking a giant wheel to work the press. After working on the press all afternoon yesterday, I woke up this morning with sore muscles in my left arm that I didn't even knew existed! I use 100% cotton card stock (fancy schmancy!) for all of the letterpress cards and the outcome is drool worthy if you're a paper nerd like me.
Starting today, you can save 20% off in the shop if you use the code VDAY20. The code expires on Saturday, so you have the next two days to snag your cards at a discount. I hope you love the new cards just as much as I do!
Gold Foil Christmas Cards
Heidi ShenkJust as I'd promised when I introduced 3 new Christmas cards to you all last week, I had a couple more up my sleeve that were a bit sparkly! These last two designs are printed on 120lb felt mark card stock and then pressed with gold foil. And just because you can never have too much gold, I paired them with gold envelopes.
You know when you have a vision of what something will look like? Yup, these cards are just that. I'm so pleased with how they turned out! They feel luxurious, classic, and contemporary all wrapped up in one. You can purchase these cards as single cards, or there is also the option to purchase them at a discount for a set of ten if you'd like to stock up on these for the holidays.
Are you a fan of gold or metallics during the holiday season?
New Christmas Cards
Heidi ShenkSlowly but surely the holidays are starting to creep up on us. It's November already! How did that happen? While I still have two more holiday cards in the works, I wanted to share my first three new cards for the season. One of them is my first official letterpress card that I am offering for sale in the shop! It has been printed with bright red ink on super luxurious 100% cotton card stock-- fancy schmancy, I tell you! Better hide this one from the kids for multiple reasons. ;)
And we all know that a drink or two will either help us through the holidays or make them a little brighter.
Cat owners, it truly is a struggle isn't it?
And of course some of the previous year's Christmas cards are still available in the shop and on Etsy as well. Stay tuned for some fun and sparkly holiday cards coming very soon!
Are you ready to start preparing for the holidays? Which of these cards is your favorite?
Holy Shit Balls! Row House 14 is Expanding! (Sort of...)
Heidi ShenkThere has been something super exciting in the works for about a month now for Row House 14. Some of you have either figured it out or may already know, but for those of you that aren't in the know-- I'm expanding Row House 14 to include letterpress greeting cards and stationery goods!
Learning how to do letterpress printing has been a dream of mine for quite some time. I've always had a love for paper and stationery, but the opportunity was never there. Letterpress printing presses are hard to come by and cost thousands of dollars. I had looked into renting press time from local printers or even attending classes so that I could learn, but that was also out of budget. In lieu of going the letterpress route, I decided to invest in my Kingsley gold foil press-- something that I could use for both paper and pencils, and it would also be compact enough to fit into my tiny 130 square foot studio space.
Meanwhile, I scoured Craigslist and real estate listings like mad, looking for an studio space that would be large enough to some day house a press. No such luck. Until, one day, while looking through listings, I happened upon a studio share opportunity with another woman who just so happened to own the exact printing press that I some day wish to own. And, she wanted to share the press and teach whomever shared her studio how to use the press. After a few back and forth emails and a studio visit, it was clear that the stars had somehow aligned perfectly and the situation was incredibly ideal for both of us.
Last week, I learned how to use the press using vintage wood type, hence the fun remake of my Holy Shit Balls card. I felt that the level of excitement surrounding this event made this card an appropriate enough candidate for my first go at printing. As I prepare for the upcoming holiday, however, I hope to include both a letterpress calendar and some greeting cards.
For now though, I want to have some fun and celebrate. My first letterpress card that you see pictured will be included for free along with any order in my shop or on Etsy. All you have to do is write Holy Shit Balls! in the message box when you check out so I know you'd like a free card, and I'll send one of these bad boys on its way! I'll keep the offer open for as long as I have cards available. In the meantime, stay tuned for some other super sweet letterpress goods coming your way in the future!