The first deed was done when we spent an afternoon in the DC area and picked up this desk.
Then, over the New Year's weekend when we ordered this sleeper sofa and chairs.
The one distressing part about this is that we're not entirely sure the sofa will fit into our basement. Andrew did all sorts of calculations and thinks it'll work, but there's still a part of me that's very worried. On an upside, the chairs will definitely fit, with one of them going into my new studio. We've decided that since we don't have that many guests, we'd opt for a sleeper sofa in the basement and use the second bedroom as a studio and reading room. So it's out with this room, and in with some new decor-- already. Though we're planning on keeping some of the elements.
Before choosing a sofa, we decided to take care of the ugly black one inch square tiles that are in the half bath and chose out new cork flooring. I love the look of cork floors and since it's pretty pricey, we decided the small space of the half bath would be the perfect place to put it to add some light, warmth, and keep the cost low.
Finally, this past weekend we picked out paint for our studio and bedroom.
The transition begins this Friday when the Salvation Army comes to get our old couch and mattress. This coming weekend will be a painting fest, for sure in the studio room, in anticipation for the arrival of our sofa and chairs.
Within the first ten days of 2012, I would most definitely say this has become the Year of the House. Looking forward to these transitions and I'll be sure to share photos as progress is made. What sorts of home projects are you working on this year?