Some days in Baltimore are hotter than others in June, and this week has certainly been a testament to that. It's only a tip of the iceberg reminder of what July and August will bring. On days like this, I'd love nothing more than to be transported back to a moment of dipping my skin and hair into the salty South Pacific in Byron Bay, Australia.
In all of my travels, some places leave a mark on my heart more than others. These are the sorts of places that literally make me cry, because of their beauty and because I know I'll eventually have to leave, not knowing when or if I'll ever return. Byron is one of those places.
On my last visit back in September, we watched humpback whales spout and cruise around the point below the lighthouse, made friends with two water dragons, enjoyed sunsets, celebrated my 30th birthday with mud cake and champaign, woke up to views of ocean waves carving out the rocky coast, drank beer with the locals, and daydreamed about what it would be like to live there.

On days that I wish to go back, I let the photos take me there just for a while. And I remember Andrew's words as we took off from Sydney to head home to the States. "When we come back... not if, but when."