I may be a day late to this whole welcoming of fall game, but with good reason. You see, most years my birthday falls on the Autumnal Equinox and yesterday was not an exception. While I worked a little to get some important tasks checked off my list, I also decided to take a day to do a few things for myself.
My birthday, and the Equinox, has often felt like my own New Year celebration. A new season is ushered in, and it also marks the beginning of another year in my life. I get an energy from this time of year that is different than other changes in season. The lazy daze of the summer heat is put behind and a new list of endless ideas and adventures begins to form both in mind and on paper.
It's a time of reflection. Did I fully live the way I had hoped in the past year? How can I make this next year even better? These can be tough questions that make me stare my successes and failures in the face, knowing full well that each outcome was of my own design, effort, and mindset. It's an exercise that reminds me of what I have the ability to accomplish and where I need to push the boundaries of my own comfort zone. I also like to dream. With this reflection comes the opportunity to think about the year ahead, or even five years ahead.
Personally, 31 was not as great of a year as 30. And that's ok. It was a year of change, personal growth, and lifestyle changes. And while each of these things are still a work in progress, they aren't yet where I would have hoped to be by this age. And again, that's ok. Looking into a new year means that I have another opportunity to fine tune those aspects of life that were rough around the edges and forge forward into new endeavors.
My list for 32 is exciting. It's energizing. And I'm anticipating the chance to make this year better than the last.
Does the change in the season mark a fresh start for you? Have you taken time to reflect on your year recently?