All in all it was a fantastic eleven days of my own, to do whatever I pleased. I didn't once pick up a paper to grade or work on a lesson plan-- an absolute, complete break. Today was my first day returning to school feeling rejuvenated and recharged. And to complete my welcome back to Baltimore, jury duty tomorrow. How appropriate for this city! I hope you all had a wonderful New Years weekend and continue to have a wonderful 2012!
New Years Weekend in Cleveland
"Browns" "football" "Steelers"
Heidi Shenk
My winter break was relaxing, but jam packed if that is at all possible. After Christmas, I had a few days to wrap up a few things I had been working on for the shop before heading off to spend New Years in Cleveland. During our time in Cleveland we got to visit with Andrew's family, catch up with a friend of ours that we met while in college at Syracuse, eat cheese fondue with Andrew's parents on New Year's Eve, go to the Steelers and Browns game on Sunday evening (remember the good old rivalry I wrote about here?), and finally make our trek back to Baltimore on a snowy Monday afternoon. And of course this recap wouldn't be complete with a few photos of us gearing up for and at the the game. ;)

All in all it was a fantastic eleven days of my own, to do whatever I pleased. I didn't once pick up a paper to grade or work on a lesson plan-- an absolute, complete break. Today was my first day returning to school feeling rejuvenated and recharged. And to complete my welcome back to Baltimore, jury duty tomorrow. How appropriate for this city! I hope you all had a wonderful New Years weekend and continue to have a wonderful 2012!
All in all it was a fantastic eleven days of my own, to do whatever I pleased. I didn't once pick up a paper to grade or work on a lesson plan-- an absolute, complete break. Today was my first day returning to school feeling rejuvenated and recharged. And to complete my welcome back to Baltimore, jury duty tomorrow. How appropriate for this city! I hope you all had a wonderful New Years weekend and continue to have a wonderful 2012!
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