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Blog — "cards"

Halloween Cards

Heidi Shenk "cards" "etsy shop" "Halloween"

It is hard to believe that September is here with fall just around the corner! Fall is by far my favorite season. The humidity of the summer finally leaves, yet the temperatures are pretty much perfect. With beautiful days in the 70s that usually last through October and sometimes even into November, it is hard to complain. That being said, it is time, my friends. Time to prepare for Halloween because it will be here before we know it. So I present to you, three new Halloween cards.

I may be a super dork, but I can't stop laughing at this super ultra hip ghost. He kind of reminds me of Joe Cool if you know what I mean.

And when it comes to this candy corn card, I'm speaking from experience here. I seem to OD on the stuff every single year despite the fact that I hate it. So disgusting, but I just can't stop!

And seriously, it was just too hard for me to pass up this one. Let's face it, there are people that call their significant other "boo" and they need cards, people! They need cards! (If I was really sitting there telling you this in person, I would have said that Jerry Seinfeld-like. Also, I almost typed Jerry Springer instead. That would have been interesting. Ooops.) Plus, who could resist a girl ghost with long eyelashes? You have to look closely, but they are there!

And those, my friends, are my new Halloween cards. Enjoy.

Are you thinking about Halloween yet? Or am I the only one?

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The New Birthday Card Line

Heidi Shenk "birthday" "cards" "etsy shop"

I've been hard at work and am finally able to say that the new birthday card line I've been alluding to for a while now is finally finished! In total, there are twelve new birthday cards that are based upon the twelve zodiac signs, each with their respective constellation (yes, I created each constellation-- holy cow that was quite an endeavor). They feature a textured looking navy background and some yellow and orange highlights.

After much research, I decided to dive into this project because it seemed that there was a bit of niche for such an item. And I have to say that after checking out the scene, there are not many cards of this sort that feature the constellation rather than a zodiac symbol or picture. And I am also happy to say that so far they have received many compliments in the few days that they have been launched. It seems that the Virgo and Libra cards are the most popular at the moment, as we are currently in the midst of those birthdays. (I myself happen to be have a birthday right on the Virgo/Libra cusp.)

Needless to say, here is a peek at a few of the cards in the new line which you can now find in my shop.

I really love how the full line turned out. You check out the full line in the Birthday Cards section of my shop.

Have you been working on any new projects lately?

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Holy Cards, Batman!

Heidi Shenk "cards" "design" "etsy shop"

It's been a while since I've updated my shop with new card designs. I've had a lot of these cards waiting to be listed for quite some time. I get so lazy and don't want to have to edit photos and write up the listings for my shop. It always seems like such a chore compared to the rest of the things I get to do as part of owning this business. Anyway, here are a look at the new designs. Click through the photos and you'll land at the listing for the card if it's one that you've just got to snag up!

For when you're super duper sorry...

For your secret (or not so secret) crush...

For that awesometastic friend of yours...

An anniversary card...

And the Valentine's Day version too...

This birthday card was originally designed for Andrew's birthday a year ago. I like it enough that I decided to modify it and list it...

And for the long distance relationship or that person you really miss...

Now THAT is a lot of cards! Seven! I clearly felt like being a super productive person. And by felt like, I mean a bee tried to attack me while I was suntanning on my roof deck so I could not longer be lazy and needed something to do indoors. So I decided to take productive to a whole new level and start shooting new photos for some old cards. Here are a couple old, but new listings if that makes any sense. Old cards, new photos-- so they kind of feel new, you know?

I like. You like?

By the way, if you need some cards or stationery, you probably want to order soon. I'm going to be on vacay for a ridiculously long time in the near future. Ridiculously long = 16 days. I'll be putting my shop on vacation mode while I'm gone since I'll also be in the complete sticks at times with no way to communicate. (If I don't return by mid August, someone send help. A bear may have attacked me in the middle of the mountains). Freaking out a little about going on vacation mode since I've heard some bad things about doing that-- like that your shop pretty much falls off the radar and you have to start back from square one. I don't like the sounds of that. Anyone else had to do this before? Did you have problems or were you good to go upon your return?

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A Little Something for Dad

Heidi Shenk "cards" "Etsy"

I know Mother's Day hasn't even come and gone yet, but I wanted to be ready. So this weekend, I finally got all of those Father's Day card ideas out of my head and onto paper. I brought back an old one and revamped the photos (now that I finally have the perfect set up for light I've been trying to retake photos) and I created three new ones.

Here's the old--

And the new--

I'm definitely going to have to say that the guitar one is my fave. My dad builds guitars so maybe that has something to do with it. And I'm also pretty sure that I could give the flat tire one to my dad. He changed my flat tires on several occasions, so the whole stereotype about dads coming to the rescue must be true after all.

You can click through the photos to get to the cards, and if you haven't gotten your Mother's Day card yet you better hurry! Which of these Father's Day cards do you like best?

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Color Block Cards

Heidi Shenk "cards"

While in the process of moving my entire studio from our basement to our second bedroom, I came across a large pile of scrap card stock that I'd stashed away. The card stock was instant inspiration. I immediately began cutting and matching blocks of paper and arranging them on some blank cards I had on hand. Five new one of a kind cards were created with plans in the works for many more. I thought I'd give you a peak at this new collection. My favorite part about these cards is that no two are alike, making each card extra special. I love the idea of being able to give a card to someone knowing that it is the only one of its kind. You can click through the photos to get to the listings for each card in my shop.

What do you think of the new collection of blank greeting cards that I've started to sell in my shop? Which is your favorite?

P.S. The Sassy Scentz giveaway winner is Lena! Congratulations Lena! I'll be contacting you shortly via email. :)

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