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Blog — "cards"

Busy Bee

Heidi Shenk "cards" "etsy shop"

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty busy. But lazy too, if you know what I mean. In other words, I didn't do anything super strenuous or feel rushed around here and there. Sunday was perhaps one of the most productive days I've had in quite a while, so I just had to share with you all of my hard work from the weekend.

And this is only half of what I worked on. I also have a fabulous new line of recipe cards (but I thought I'd save that for a different day) and a hilarious graduation card that I didn't share. Turns out that I made a typo. Yup, even English teachers make mistakes.

Anyone as productive as I was this weekend? Have a fabulous week, and don't forget-- only two more days to enter this giveaway, so be sure to do so if you haven't yet!

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Heidi Shenk "cards" "Etsy"

I scour the Etsy Finds email every day always looking and hoping that I will spot a card or set of stationery from my shop. Usually, it winds up in disappointment. Sometimes it causes jealousy. Especially during Valentine's season when one particular card was in Etsy Finds EVERY day for like two weeks. And don't worry Andrew never heard the end of it every day when I opened that email and groaned. I even started these conspiracy theories about how Etsy hated me or that artists were paying them off. Or how maybe my cards were actually super duper crappy. Yup, my jealously was pretty ugly. But yesterday did not end up in disappointment or jealousy because there I was!

Woooooohoooooo!!!!! Yippppeeeeeee!!!!!

And if you are in love with this Mother's Day card just as much as Etsy was yesterday afternoon, you can find it in my shop here. But for now, I'm going to savor this and enjoy it going into the weekend.

P.S. Thank you ALL SO MUCH for your encouragement on yesterday's post. You were all so truly kind and made me realize that I'm not the only one who is camera shy, or that maybe sometimes I should just step out of my comfort zone and everything will be all right. I may just go for it again in the future. ;)

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I'm Not a Gross Person, Really I'm Not

Heidi Shenk "birthday" "cards"

I have to preface this post with this fact: I'm really not that gross of a person. I'm pretty mature, and when I was younger, I was always mature for my age. But my latest birthday card would probably beg to differ, so I have to give fair warning so you won't judge me. So you won't judge me? Agreed?

Honestly, this is how it went down. I was in the car with Andrew and our friend Marshall on our car ride back from Syracuse last month. It was the weekend before Valentine's Day and I was lamenting about how slow my shop was going to become after Valentine's Day. I needed a solution.

Andrew and Marshall thought that the best solution was to come up with a really great card for a year round occasion, such as a birthday. "But I'm really bad with coming up with things to write on cards," I complained. "I mean, the funniest thing I can come up with is 'Happy birthday you old fart!'" Andrew and Marshall then proceeded to make fun of my lack of creativeness. They continued to say I should make that card, but figure out how to include a sound effect. Their next idea was a butt shaped card. That also got nixed. Finally Andrew was like, "Really all you need to do is draw some butt cheeks on there with a fart cloud." The jokes were endless, which is to be expected when you're stuck in a car with two guys that are in their late 20s and are old college friends.

A few weeks passed. Then Sunday night I was working on a bunch of hand drawn projects. I finished a few and showed them to Andrew with his half nod of approval while he sat on the other side of the couch zoning out on the tv. While he wasn't paying attention, I made a quick sketch of the birthday card idea complete with butt cheeks and fart cloud as a complete joke. I immediately began cackling as I looked at my creation. Andrew cocked his head and raised his eyebrow at me as if I had lost my mind, until I showed him the sketch. At that point, we both laughed so hard until we couldn't breath and nearly fell off the couch. From that point on, we conclusively agreed that I had to make the card and sell it in my shop. If we thought it was that funny, then someone else MUST have to think it's funny to. So here goes...

The polls have opened. Hilarious or gross? What do you think?

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The Final Product

Heidi Shenk "cards" "Valentine's day"

So you may remember some fun I had with markers and I had promised I would show the end result. I finally had the chance to get everything printed, photographed, and listed in my shop. And here is the final result.

While the vibrancy of the colors became a bit more dull, I am still happy with the outcome! So much so that I had to try another idea with creating a scanned image card. This time, I used paper cutouts of hearts, did some PhotoShop magic, popped the PhotoShop magic into an Illustrator file, tweaked a few things here and there, and viola!

What do you think?

I'm loving all of the fun ideas I've been having for Valentine's cards, but have been trying to design some new stationery these days as well. I'll be back with that in a few days! :)

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A Little Update

Heidi Shenk "cards" "Etsy" "stationery"

Just wanted to pop in to give a little update on some of the things I worked on for my shop over my winter break. While you may remember that I worked on this project using hand drawn images, I also did some digital design as well.

If you follow me on Twitter, you may remember this little sneak peek. And here we have the final product.

I loved the geometric squares, so I just had to make it into a Valentine's Day card as well!

A fun little idea for a moving announcement card popped into my head.

And my most favorite of all? This Valentine's card that so clearly speaks the truth!

Because let's face it-- we all know you love your special someone not just on Valentine's Day! ;)

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