Blog — "music"
Just for the record...
"albums" "art" "Baltimore" "cards" "High Fidelity" "Los Lobos" "music" "Nick Hornby" "records" "The Bridge" "vinyl"
Heidi ShenkNow to go back to another important item on the list. I mentioned listening to The Bridge. I had not listened to them a whole lot-- only here and there. However, they are expecting a new album out on February 1st and they have been getting all sorts of airplay on my favorite radio station WTMD. So naturally I wanted to check out the album. The new album is called National Bohemian, no doubt after Natty Boh, our beloved Baltimore beer. It is produced by Steve Berlin of Los Lobos, another fabulous band that is an absolute must to include in your music repertoire. Currently, The Bridge are streaming the full album on their website. Enjoy!