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Blog — "music"

Put the Gun Down

Heidi Shenk "music"

I'm usually not a big fan of female musicians. I'm not really sure why. I think it might have to do with having grown up during an era of Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, and Mariah Carey diva competitions. It was always this thing with these ladies-- someone had the bright idea (or not so bright idea) of sticking these women on stage together (I think this happened on the Grammys or something, but I clearly remember it being awful for all parties involved). The outcome? They would all go at it trying to out-sing and out-run each other in the most totally out of control display of diva-ness I have ever witnessed. It can be scarring, let me tell you.

Lately, it seems that the diva singer is no more and a new trend is appearing in which we have soulful singers that don't make my eardrums bleed. ZZ Ward is one of those. She's bluesy and original, and I haven't stopped listening to her album Til the Casket Drops since I first heard her song Put the Gun Down on my favorite local radio station. So now I'll let you be the judge. Would you rather listen to another diva singer battle or this?

I know which one I'd pick. How about you? What have you been listening to lately?

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An Automatically Good Day

Heidi Shenk "edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros" "music"

I have this weird thing about music. It has to fit the weather, the time of day, my mood. Some people get me with this, some people don't. I have a difference between morning time music and music for other times of day. I actually have special playlists on my iPod that are strictly morning time music. (I also get made fun of for saying "morning time" instead of just "morning.") Some songs just help you off on the right foot and put you in a good mood.

The latest song that has been my go to for morning time music is Man on Fire by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros. Soothing acoustic guitar and vocals start my morning off perfectly. The lyrics are most definitely uplifting and give me a positive feeling to start off my day. And if I feel like an extra positive boost, I just watch the video-- fantastic!

This is automatically a good day for me. Do you have any songs that help you to start your day off right?

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Two Things

Heidi Shenk "Finn" "music"

Just two quick things for a Saturday morning read while you're being lazy in your yoga pants and drinking a coffee (at least that's what I'm doing).

One. I've probably asked this question before, but how in the world does Finn find this to be his favorite and most comfortable sleeping position? I am pretty sure that if I attempted such gymnastics I would need to head to the nearest chiropractor to get my back adjusted.
Thinking that he would eventually get tired of it, I come back 20 minutes later to find him in the same position. Only this time, he has such a contented look on his face. Weird cat.

Two. This amazingly awesome video is courtesy of a college friend of ours that had emailed me the link this week. I cannot take any credit for finding it, but it seemed completely necessary to share it. I present to you a history of rock and roll in 100 guitar riffs.

Whaaaaat? That's what I was thinking. Then I thought that clearly my guitar skills have been lacking lately as I might be able to remember how to play only seven of those. Good thing I have an entire wall full of these on which I can practice.

Clearly I've been putting them to good use lately.

Happy weekend my friends!

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Hooked on Vinyl

Heidi Shenk "Grace Potter" "music"

It's been a while since I shared what I've been listening to lately. There are plenty of new albums that have entered this house, played on the iPod, and even spun on the record player. Recently, I had dusted off a vinyl copy of Midnight Oil's album 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and blasted it on the record player. We were pretty much hooked all over again from that point on and vowed that the next time we went to the record store, we'd buy some more vinyl.

During a record store trip last week, I gathered the albums that were on my mental list and then headed into the vinyl portion of the store. So many records. So much to choose from. I didn't know what to buy. Should I get something that we already had on cd so that we didn't have to pay for the iTunes version too? I mean you have to have your music on the iPod as well for good measure! Or should I buy something new and pay to get the iTunes too?

Then I spotted something absolutely genious. Two of the newer albums that I wanted to get just happened to also have a free download code. Who knew?! Best of both worlds! Vinyl to listen to at home and a digital copy to pop on your iPod for on the go! Victory was mine as I snagged a copy of Grace Potter & the Nocturnals' The Lion The Beast The Beat and The Alabama Shakes' Boys & Girls.

I have not stopped listening to either albums. Not only do they sound great on vinyl, they are also both amazing albums. Between the two, the one song that I want to listen to over and over again is Keepsake from Grace Potter & the Nocturnals. Grace has got some amazing pipes, that's for sure. And another favorite from the new album is the opening song that shares the album title. It is of epic proportions in terms of overall production. Epic.

You are welcome for that. Again, she has some pipes. And now it's your turn. What have you been listening to lately? I'd love to know-- you just might find me meandering on down to the record store for some more vinyl and I may need a few more suggestions. ;)

P.S. The winner of the Shabby Apple giveaway is commenter number 16, Amy. Amy please be sure to email me so that I can get your info!

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First Thursday: JC Brooks & the Uptown Sound

Heidi Shenk "first thursday" "jc brooks and the uptown sound" "music"

Hi friends! I'm so glad you're still reading because quite frankly, if I were you, I would have thought that I had ditched you by now. Let's just say that it's been quite the eventful past four days. And with only three more days to go to summer break, I'll most likely see you all here on my blog a little more often again.

One of those busy days last week happened to be Thursday. After a long day of end of year paperwork at school, I stopped by Andrew's office to pick him up and headed to the nearby park by the Washington Monument in Mount Vernon. Every first Thursday of the summer months, WTMD puts on a free concert in the park. I've told you all about these shows before here. This month's big act was JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound, a post-punk soul band that I was not going to miss. You may have remembered me writing about this group previously. They did not disappoint in any way.

JC Brooks, the obvious front man of the group, is by far one of the best entertainers I've seen in a while. I don't know if he uses the same one-liners in each of their shows or if he's really that good with the improv, but he most definitely could entertain. That being said, his commentary as well as his shimmying and shaking, only comes as a distant second to his incredible vocal talent. The guy has got some pipes! And the Uptown Sound has this great funk crossed with Chicago-style Blues Brothers band thing going on. If you ever get the chance to see these guys, you have to know that dancing will be inevitable.

It began as a perfect night for a show with beautiful weather for the first two acts and great sunlight in the park.

Andrew was stoked for some good music. Cue over-excited happy face.

Then it started to drizzle. We were worried for a bit, but then didn't care as it let up and JC Brooks and Uptown Sound hit the stage.

And to make the evening that much more fantastic, as the drizzling rain disappeared a rainbow formed over the park.

Good music AND a rainbow?! Doesn't get much better than that, now does it?

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